"Black Friday Goes Green:" The Deception ~ Random Waves of Insight
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Sunday, November 25, 2007

"Black Friday Goes Green:" The Deception

Today I looked at the front page of a local newspaper. "Black Friday Goes Green," in big black letters dominates the upper half. Ooh, environment! How chic. Reading through all the related articles, I can see there is no mention of how anything about Black Friday relates to Going Green.

I am disappointed, perturbed, upset.

Then I have an idea. Could "Going Green" be similar in meaning to "Getting the green light?"

In that case, "Goes Green" would really mean "Begins." "Black Friday Begins."

Or maybe "Black Friday Goes Green" means that stores did so well, they're not only in the black, they're in the green!

Either way, it's stupid. The old bait and switch. For shame!

This site used the phrase, "Black Friday Goes Green," and made sense of it, saying this year's Black Friday would be, "an opportunity for sellers to showcase their greenest products and services." Nicely done! At least someone's honest.

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